American Kenpo
My Journey Learning American Kenpo

Working Out At 24 Hour Fitness

A coworker told me about a deal he got through Costco for a 2 year membership to 24 Hour Fitness for $299.99.  A new Costco was build in my area recently, so about a month ago, I checked it out.  Sure enough, there it was, rows of fancy printed cardboard on a big palette.  I actually ended up getting two, one for myself and one for my wife.  After purchase, Costco gave me the vouchers to take to 24 Hour Fitness to setup our memberships.

The sales guy who took care of us at 24 Hour Fitness had us registered as members in about 10 minutes.  No other sales pitches for any other products were pushed on us.  It was easy and pleasant.

Now, as for beginning to work out, that was not the easy part.  As it has been over a decade since I’ve stepped into a gym, I soon found out just how weak and out of shape I really am.  It’s been about 5 weeks now since my wife and I have been going to 24 Hour Fitness.  We go 4 days a week together and work out for about 2 hours.  We do chest, shoulders, and triceps 2 days a week and legs, back, and biceps the other 2 days.  Each day we finish with abs and, so far, 10 minutes of cardio.

When I say cardio, it’s kind of deceiving because there’s so many different ways to exercise your cardiopulmonary system.  I recently bought the PACE program e-book from Dr. Al Sears, MD.  I absolutely hate running or anything long distance of a monotonous nature.  So, instead of the traditional “get on treadmill for 30 minutes” routine, I’ve been following this pace program.  You can read my post about the PACE program for further details HERE.

Just with anything, the hardest part is actually going and doing it.  A patient of mine actually told me her story about going and working out.  She is in her 70’s now, but when she was in her 60’s, she started working out at a gym.  She said a friend told her she should go check out this gym.  Over a period of weeks, she made the transition of thinking about it to actually going.  She first called the gym and inquired about it.  The next week she drove by the gym.  The next week she sat in her car in the parking lot.  The next week she walked inside with a friend.  The next week she went inside again, but talked with one of the membership counselors.  Finally, another week later, she signed up and started going.

I’ll be the first to admit it.  I actually had a 24 hour membership before and never went.  I cancelled shortly after signing up, but I think it was fear that kept me from stepping foot in that place.  Fear of looking stupid, fear of feeling inferior, fear of knowing just how out of shape I was, fear of lots of stupid things.  So, I can understand how many might feel.  The gym I go to actually has a personal trainer on staff who keeps her before and after picture up for all to see.  She was FAT!  Were talking size 24.  Now, she’s a size 4.  I don’t know women’s sizes really, but her picture doesn’t lie.  Anyway, to see a person like that always walking around that place is quite a comforting motivator to say the least.

To see people there that I know were in my same shoes is a great motivator.  Additionally, seeing people there that are in great shape as well, without knowing their past history, is also motivating as well.  You quickly learn that people you never even speak to can easily become role models and help you strive for the best in yourself.  So, to work out in a gym with other people is definately worth the visual motivation you are surrounded with.

You can learn from people just by seeing them in action as well.  Over time, you can pick up additional exercises and tips that you may have never been aware of.  Honestly, you can even watch personal trainers with their clients to get ideas.  It’s amazing to watch the variations of what different people do to stay or get in shape.

Anyway, besides the psychological factors involved with working out at a gym, 24 Hour Fitness has great equipment as well.  My wife and I personally work out on a mixture of free weights, dumbbells, machines, and cable systems.  It’s nice to have such a variety of equipment to work out on so that over time we might “upgrade” our efforts to higher endeavors.

A coworker of mine also works out at 24 Hour Fitness.  She said something that I liked.  She said try to do everything the place has to offer.  Do weights, switch up cardio machines, attend a group class, use the pool, sit in the whirlpool, sauna, and steam room.  After she said that, I realized just how much the place had to offer.  As it stands, in 2 hours of working out, my wife and I use a few machines and some weights, hop on a stairmaster, use some ab machines, and we’re out of there.  Over time, I can see the variety of workouts we can get are rather great.  We’ll see where time takes our workout adventures.

Join now!  Heck, join any gym.  Once you join, just go and do something.  Have a plan no matter what it is.  Go in and get it done.  Endorphines will be released and you will feel better than you do today.

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